Kenapa footage sering ditolak shutterstock
ketika kita sudah capek capek membuat video / footage untuk tema tertentu... kemudia kita langsung upload ke Shutterstock, maka selang beberapa hari kita mendapat penolakan!!
nah disini rasanya berat sekali..... tapi jangan menyerah... semua butuh proses.... bahkan kemahiran juga butuh proses. Sy doakan kawan kawan tetap semangat dalam membuat karya.
oke. ini sedikit info tentang kenapa footage kita sering ditolak shutterstok.
Mungkin karena Frame Rate / Shutter Speed yang tidak sesuai standar SS.
Ada beberapa alasan kenapa footage tidak memenuhi standar frame rate. Alasan frame Rate kadang memang sudah sesuai tapi shutter speednya yang sesuai. Kecepatan dalam mensoot objek terlalu cepat. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar banyak contributor seluruh dunia untuk menjadikan footagenya lamban atau bahkan sangat lambat. coba aja cek di ss.
Alasan kedua adalah video dengan kecepatan fram yang tidak diterima. disini saya awalnya bingung, Maksudnya apa? kemudian sy cek lagi, ternyata frame yang diterima adalah ini:
fr 23.98, fr 24, fr 25, fr 29.97, fr 30, fr 47.95, fr 47.96, fr 48, fr 50, fr 59.94, dan fr 60. Dan ketika saya cek di video saya ini sudah masuk kok.. yaitu di fr 29.97. Tapi kenapa masih ditolak?
kemudian saya baca lagi, Ghosting dalam video terlihat dikarenakan konversi fr yang tidak tepat. Nah inilah jawabannya. sehingga saya pun memulai video baru lagi. disamping video juga terdapat bingkai duplikat atau frame yang dilewati dikarenakan konversi frame rate. So. hati hati ya gaes saat rendering. terkadang terlewat begitu saja. Nah disini saya perlu sofware yang lebih tinggi.
when we are tired of making videos / footage for certain themes ... then we upload them directly to Shutterstock, then after a few days we get rejected !!
well here it feels very heavy ... but don't give up ... everything needs a process ... even skills also need a process. I wish my friends to keep up the spirit in making works.
Okay. This is a bit of info about why our footage is often rejected by Shutterstok.
Maybe because of Frame Rate / Shutter Speed that is not in accordance with SS standards.
There are several reasons why footage does not meet frame rate standards. The reason frame rate is sometimes appropriate but the shutter speed is appropriate. Speed in object objects is too fast. This is the basis of many contributors around the world to make their footage slow or even very slow. just try checking on ss.
The second reason is the video with a fram speed that is not received. here I was initially confused, what do you mean? then I check again, it turns out that the frame received is this:
fr 23.98, fr 24, fr 25, fr 29.97, fr 30, fr 47.95, fr 47.96, fr 48, fr 50, fr 59.94 and fr 60. And when I check in the video I have entered it, that is at fr 29.97. But why is it still being rejected?
then I read again, Ghosting in the video is seen due to the conversion of the fr which is not right. Now this is the answer. so I started a new video again. besides the video there is also a duplicate frame or frame skipped due to the frame rate conversion. So. be careful, guys when rendering. sometimes it's just missed. Well here I need a higher software.
nah disini rasanya berat sekali..... tapi jangan menyerah... semua butuh proses.... bahkan kemahiran juga butuh proses. Sy doakan kawan kawan tetap semangat dalam membuat karya.
oke. ini sedikit info tentang kenapa footage kita sering ditolak shutterstok.
Mungkin karena Frame Rate / Shutter Speed yang tidak sesuai standar SS.
Ada beberapa alasan kenapa footage tidak memenuhi standar frame rate. Alasan frame Rate kadang memang sudah sesuai tapi shutter speednya yang sesuai. Kecepatan dalam mensoot objek terlalu cepat. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar banyak contributor seluruh dunia untuk menjadikan footagenya lamban atau bahkan sangat lambat. coba aja cek di ss.
Alasan kedua adalah video dengan kecepatan fram yang tidak diterima. disini saya awalnya bingung, Maksudnya apa? kemudian sy cek lagi, ternyata frame yang diterima adalah ini:
fr 23.98, fr 24, fr 25, fr 29.97, fr 30, fr 47.95, fr 47.96, fr 48, fr 50, fr 59.94, dan fr 60. Dan ketika saya cek di video saya ini sudah masuk kok.. yaitu di fr 29.97. Tapi kenapa masih ditolak?
kemudian saya baca lagi, Ghosting dalam video terlihat dikarenakan konversi fr yang tidak tepat. Nah inilah jawabannya. sehingga saya pun memulai video baru lagi. disamping video juga terdapat bingkai duplikat atau frame yang dilewati dikarenakan konversi frame rate. So. hati hati ya gaes saat rendering. terkadang terlewat begitu saja. Nah disini saya perlu sofware yang lebih tinggi.
when we are tired of making videos / footage for certain themes ... then we upload them directly to Shutterstock, then after a few days we get rejected !!
well here it feels very heavy ... but don't give up ... everything needs a process ... even skills also need a process. I wish my friends to keep up the spirit in making works.
Okay. This is a bit of info about why our footage is often rejected by Shutterstok.
Maybe because of Frame Rate / Shutter Speed that is not in accordance with SS standards.
There are several reasons why footage does not meet frame rate standards. The reason frame rate is sometimes appropriate but the shutter speed is appropriate. Speed in object objects is too fast. This is the basis of many contributors around the world to make their footage slow or even very slow. just try checking on ss.
The second reason is the video with a fram speed that is not received. here I was initially confused, what do you mean? then I check again, it turns out that the frame received is this:
fr 23.98, fr 24, fr 25, fr 29.97, fr 30, fr 47.95, fr 47.96, fr 48, fr 50, fr 59.94 and fr 60. And when I check in the video I have entered it, that is at fr 29.97. But why is it still being rejected?
then I read again, Ghosting in the video is seen due to the conversion of the fr which is not right. Now this is the answer. so I started a new video again. besides the video there is also a duplicate frame or frame skipped due to the frame rate conversion. So. be careful, guys when rendering. sometimes it's just missed. Well here I need a higher software.
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