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Guru itu Pahlawan Sejati hanya ada di Madrasahku

Pengalaman menjadi guru merupakan pengalaman yang luar biasa.

apalagi pernah dididik oleh guru yang setiap harinya penuh ikhlas lillahi ta'ala. Sy adalah murid Madrasah Aliyah Al Maarif Jepara dan guru guru sy selalu mendidik saya dengan penuh ketulusan dan kejujuran.

Waktu sy kelas 1 atau sekarang kelas 10, waktu itu rambut sy gondrong sebahu, dan saya dicap sebagai anak nakal. karena setelah lulus Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mafatihul Akhlaq Demangan, sy langsung ke Jakarta setelah mengenyam Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Bawu Jepara walaupun hanya dua bulan saja.

Di Jakarta sy ketemu dengan Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana dari Jepara yang kuliah di Universitas Indonesia. Dia mengajakku keliling Kampus dan masuk kelas di Sastra Indonesia waktu itu. Jadi saya anak kecil yang bisa masuk kuliah di Pasca Sarjana Universitas Indonesia. Hebat Kan hehehe....

Saya diajari beliau tentang arti masa depan. Sehingga terbukalah saya untuk menata masa depan dengan baik. Saat ini Beliau sebagai professor di Universitas Semarang, beliau bernama Prof. Saifur Rohman.

dan Akhirnya saya pulang ke Jepara dan langsung mengambil Kursus Bahasa Inggris. LIA English Course sy masuki, Nissan Fortuna, dan juga sy kursus Komputer di Jefco Jepara. semua itu sy lakukan untuk membangun masa depan. dan akhirnya sy masuk di MA AlMaarif Jepara.

Pertama Kali kelas 10 sy langsung ngajak ngobrol bahasa inggris dengan guru Bahasa inggris, yaitu Mr. Khamdi. dengan nada santai Beliau berkata. "Very Great, i found Clever Student but, gondrong". sy pun langsung tertawa kecil sedangkan yang lain masih tak mengerti apa yang saya bicarakan.

dan Akhirnya sy pun dipanggil guru BP, waktu itu adalah Pak Aziz, (semoga belliau disembuhkan dari penyakitnya, karena sekarang beliau sakit). setelah dipanggil di kantor sy dikepung oleh para guru. dan kemudian diadakan acara seremonial untuk memotong rambut saya.

Alhasil berhasil, dan sy pun langsung pulang untuk segera merapikan rambut saya di Tukang Cukur Rambut.
Setelah kejadian Hari itu, sy pun memutuskan untuk menjadi lebih baik dan berubah lebih baik. Walhasil, Akhir kelas 10, sy mendapatkan juara kelas alias rangking 1 di kelas saya. Sungguh perubahan yang sangat besar di kehidupan saya.

Sejak saat itu, sy pun juara kelas terus sampai lulus sekolah dari Madrasahku. Banyak kenangan yang luar biasa. Oleh Karena itu, melalui tulisan ini, sy mengucapkan terimakasih yang setingi-tingginya bagi guru-guruku. Semoga guru-guruku yang sudah wafat diberi kejembaran kubur, Terang kuburnya, dan dimasukkan syurga kelak.

Dan untuk para guruku yang masih mengabdi, semoga diberi keberkahan rejeki, diberi kemudahan hidup dan sehat terus untuk terus mengajar. Andalah pahlawanku.


The experience of being a teacher is an extraordinary experience.

let alone been educated by teachers who every day are full of sincerity. Sy is a student of Madrasah Aliyah Al Maarif Jepara and teacher teacher sy always educates me with sincerity and honesty.

When I was in class 1 or now in 10th grade, at that time my hair was shoulder lengthy, and I was labeled a bad boy. because after graduating from the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mafatihul Akhlaq Demangan, I went straight to Jakarta after attending the Bawu Jepara State Islamic Senior High School even though it was only two months.

In Jakarta I met with Post-graduate Students from Jepara who studied at the University of Indonesia. He invited me around the campus and entered the class in Indonesian Literature at that time. So I am a small child who can attend the Postgraduate Program at the University of Indonesia. Great right hehehe ....

I taught him about the meaning of the future. So that I was opened to organize the future well. Currently he is a professor at the University of Semarang, he is named Prof. Saifur Rohman.

and finally I returned to Jepara and immediately took an English course. LIA English Course entered, Nissan Fortuna, and also a Computer course at Jefco Jepara. I did all that to build the future. and finally I entered the MA AlMaarif Jepara.

First time in 10th grade I immediately invited to speak English with an English teacher, namely Mr. Khamdi. in a relaxed tone he said. "Very Great, I found Clever Student but, gondrong". I immediately laughed while the others still did not understand what I was talking about.

and finally I was called BP's teacher, at that time was Mr. Aziz, (hopefully the bellhop was cured of his illness, because now he is sick). after being summoned in the sy office surrounded by the teachers. and then a ceremonial event was held to cut my hair.

As a result it worked, and I went straight home to immediately tidy up my hair at the Barber.

After the incident that day, I decided to become better and change better. As a result, the end of class 10, I won the first class champion in my class. It's a really big change in my life.

Since then, I have been a class champion until I graduated from my Madrasah. Many extraordinary memories. Therefore, through this paper, I say the highest gratitude for my teachers. Hopefully my teachers who have died will be given a grave, the light of their grave, and will be sent to heaven later.

And for my teachers who are still serving, hopefully given the blessing of fortune, given the ease of life and health continue to continue teaching. You are my hero.

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